Sports214 Podcast – 6th October 2010

Sports 214 – 100610 with Paul Shaw and Dafydd Roche

Big news this week. The Rangers (Dallas’ baseball team) manage to get their way through their first playoff game against the Tampa Bay Rays. Bravo gents — your first playoff win since 1996. Kudos to Cliff Lee. (Their Pitcher).

Liverpool FC seem to continue on their downward sprial into Yankyness. With their current owner Tom Hicks having run the team into 280M+ (pounds) of debt, and trying to sell it on to any other buyer. That’s an expensive Debt to take on!
It appears that Boston Red Sox owner J0hn W Henry is interested in buying the team for the pricely sum of 300 pounds… or the equivalent of about $500. Plus, we might add, settling the debt.

Another Yank at the helm of Liverpool? We’re all screwed… especially with the news that Liverpool will most likely be in the relegation zone of the premiership.

(Sad thing is, I know plenty of folk with Liverpool tattoos! aye carumba!)

Scarlets vs Ospreys — good match all round, but you Ospreys should count yourself lucky that the ref didn’t see that blatant forward pass. None of you want to talk about it,  but everyone saw it!



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Sports214 Podcast – 29th September 2010

Sports 214 Podcast Sept 29th 2010

Well, another day, another dollar! This week, rangers won another game, whilst the cowboys won a game versus the Houston Texans! (Go Cowboys!)

This weekend is the big game of UT vs OU (University of Texas Austin vs. Oklahoma University). A traditional rivalry going back years, this seems to be the game that fans are travelling all over for. Paul even has friends flying back from Washington DC to watch this game.

In European Rugby, the big game this weekend is the Llanelli Scarlets vs the Neath Ospreys. Another traditional local derby game, fans for these 2 teams are polarised in the belief that their favorite team will pulverize the the opposition. Comments such as

“scarlets rock ospreys and blues are shite roll on sat when the mighty scarlets will walk all over the poor excuse for a team that are the ospreys”

are rife on facebook and forums alike. It’s sad that punctuation is not! (or my spelling for that matter!).
This looks like an exciting game all ’round.

By hook, or by crook we’ll find a way of streaming this game online! 🙂

In the mean time, I want to leave you with this amazing tackle of Gavin Henson on Mathew Tait, a few years ago now… just it should leave you with an idea of what really makes rugby an amazing game to watch!

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Sports214 Podcast – 22nd September 2010

Sports 214 Podcast Sept 22nd 2010

Well, it’s Oktoberfest, cowboys lose, rangers win and it’s a shitty week for Paris Hilton and Jerry Jones (not together, because he’s on entourage and she’s not!)

    Topics for this week.

Cowboys Vs Bears review. (Very disappointing lads… COME ON!)
Rangers – lost but it’s okay lads! You still beat NYC!
Drugs transporation with Paris Hilton and budgeting your family with Jerry Jones… Oprah Style!

Thanks to for the pictures… best one we could find. Still can’t work out how she fits a cigarette pack between those childless hips…


Y’all are welcome to comment below.


Rochey ‘n Paul.

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Sports214 Podcast – 15th September 2010

Sports 214 Podcast Sept 15th 2010

This weeks show, being uploaded a little earlier in the week has been quickly put together with the assistance of a crate of beer. This is a small amount of bad language, those with sensitive hearing shouldn’t listen.

    Topics for this week.

Cowboys Vs Redskins review. (Very disapointing lads… COME ON!)
Rangers – 6 games in a row! WOOOHAAAA!
The Inez Sainz Fiasco.

Miss Sainz strikes up discussion
Credit to Urbansportstalk blog.

My, oh my, oh my — does her mother know she dresses like that?

Y’all are welcome to comment below.


Rochey ‘n Paul.

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Sports 214 Podcast – Sept 9th 2010

A little late in being uploaded, but here we go!

Sports 214 Podcast Sept 9th 2010

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